I made this cake by combining two technique: taiwanese style and classic sponge cake. I was about going to bake it while I looked over the clock and consider it was very late night. I changed the plan only in seconds, simply put it into steamer to shorten the cooking time. I lefted it stay in the steamer as it already done, with the lid was half opened. This morning, I cut small piece for myself while I sipped my morning tea. Ommigod, it's sooo goood...! Soft and cottony texture with a perfect authentic durian taste, it was like a luxurious soft cloud in my mouth.
If you're a durian lover, dont miss to try it. It sure is damned tantalizing to resist!
125 gr fresh durian flesh
1 tsp vanilla essence
150 gr all purpose flour
175 gr caster sugar
300 gr (5) eggs
1.5 tsp cake emulsifier
75 ml fresh milk
75 gr margarine + 60 gr butter
20x20x5 cm baking pan, greased and lined with baking paper
Heat milk, margarine & butter over low heat until compeletly melted and nearly come into boil, remove from heat.
Add in durian and flour, whisk thoroughly until smooth, set aside.
Beat eggs, sugar, emulsifier and vanilla using electrical mixer until pale, thick and fluffy.
Drop 2 woodenspoons of eggs batter into durian mixture, stir well.
Continue to add eggs batter gradually, always blend thoroughly using rubber spatula after each addition until all batter and mixture are completely blended.
Pour into prepared pan, put into steamer with full boiling water, steam over medium heat for 30 minutes.
Remove from steamer, let it cool compeletly. Remove from pan, cut into slices.
Served with chocolate sauce will be perfect, but I prefer to serve it plain instead as it brings maximum exploration to the distinctive authentic flavour of durian.
You can bake it instead of steamed it. I just think that steambake will be great.

Indonesian Version
125 gr daging durian
1 sdt vanilla essence
150 gr tepung terigu
175 gr gula pasir (kalo ada jenis castor)
300 gr (5 butir) telur
1.5 sdt cake emulsifier
75 ml fresh milk
75 gr margarin + 60 gr butter
20x20x5 cm baking pan, oles margarin, lapisi kertas roti
Panasin susu, margarin dan butter dengan api kecil hingga leleh dan hampir mendidih, matikan api.
Masukin durian dan tepung terigu, aduk rata hingga halus, sisihkan.
Kocok telur, emulsifier, vanilla dan gula hingga pucat dan kental.
Sendokkan 2 sendok kayu ke adonan durian, aduk dengan spatula hingga rata.
Tambahkan adonan telur secara bertahap sambil diaduk rata di setiap tambahan sehingga semua adonan bercampur rata.
Tuang ke loyang yang udah disiapin, masukin kukusan yang udah mendidih, atur api ke medium, kukus 30 menit.
Angkat dan dinginkan, keluarkan dari loyang, potong2 & sajikan.
Bisa disajikan dengan saus coklat, tapi gue prefer gak pake pendampng apa2 biar lebih brasa duriannya.
Selain dikukus bisa juga dioven, paling bagus dioven dengan cara ditim (steam bake / au bain marie) untuk mempertahankan tekstur halusnya.
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