As a big big fan of chocolate, I won't give apology for myself if I pass this superb cake over.
I've been doing many experiments to find a true brownies for my life. A dark, soft, moist, rich and sinful to my weight hehehehhh... But it should not be too sweet, not to forget the mysterious thin crisp film on the surface, to hide out its truth of chocolate delicacy inside.
And here it is, a real superb brownies that will drive you crazy.
This is not a new recipe actually, I modify my old brownies recipe, simply substitute the margarine/butter into vegetable oil and simplify the method. Just it! But do trust me that it gave a significant texture different. You may add extra chocolate chips to the batter for richer and denser texture if you like it gooey.
Don't do skewer test to ensure it's completely done. The extra moist texture will always rather stick on the skewer. It'll be stop sticking your skewer as you're conscious that it's overbaked already :P Simply look over the surface. Once it has a thin shiny crisp surface that doesn't stick on your fingers as you touch it, that's the perfect time to remove it from your oven.
Well dont you think that I just speaking too much? Now it's your turn to bake your own!

250 gr dark cooking chocolate, coarsely chopped
175 gr vegetable oil (= 210ml)
a pinch of salt
3 tbs good quality of dutch processed cocoa
150 gr granulated sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
50 ml milk
3 large eggs
150 gr all-purpose flour
150 gr chocolate chips (opt.)
150 gr roasted nuts, chopped (opt.)
20x20x4 cm pan, greased and lined with baking paper
Heat vegetable oil just until warm.
Add cocoa, salt, chocolate, milk and sugar, stir until chocolate until completely melted.
Add eggs and vanilla, whisk until well combined.
Stir in flour, chocolate chips and nuts, whisk thoroughly.
Pour onto prepared pan, bake in preheated oven until done.
Remove from oven, let it cool completely, remove from pan and cut into slices.
You may combine some butter or margarine instead of using oil totally for richer taste. I used to combine 50gr margarine or butter with 125gr veg oil.

Indonesian Version
250 gr dark cooking chocolate, cincang kasar
175 gr minyak sayur (= 210ml)
Seujung sendok teh garam
3 sdm coklat bubuk berkualitas
150 gr gula pasir
1 sdt vanilla essence
50 ml susu cair
3 butir telur ukuran besar
150 gr tepung terigu
150 gr chocolate chips (optional)
150 gr kacang2an panggang, cincang (optional)
Loyang ukuran 20x20x4 cm pan, olesi margarin, alasi kertas roti
Hangatkan minyak sayur, masukin coklat cincang, coklat bubuk, susu, garam dan gula, aduk hingga coklat leleh.
Tambahkan telur & vanilla, aduk dengan pengocok kawat hingga tercampur rata.
Masukin tepung, coklat cips dan kacang2an, aduk rata.
Tuang ke loyang yang udah disiapin, panggang hingga matang.
Keluarkan dari oven, diamkan hingga betul2 dingin, keluarkan dari loyang dan potong-potong.
Minyak sayur bisa dikombinasi dengan margarin/butter untuk rasa yang lebih rich. Gue pake 50gr margarin/butter dan 125gr minyak.
Jangan lakukan tes tusuk untuk menentukan matang tidaknya, karena tekstur brownies ini sangat lembab sehingga selalu nempel di tusukan saat dites. Tanda kematangannya ketika atasnya sudah mengkilap dan retak2 serta kering ketika disentuh, meskipun terasa masih lunak. Nanti kalo udah bener2 dingin akan set dan mudah dipotong.
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