Thursday, August 30, 2007

Shrimp & Cheese Croquette

A breaded rolls made of mashed potatoes, you could throw anything on your fridge to the batter, trust me anything would always be good in it. Smoked beef, ground meat, chopped vegetables, raisins, watever. I try to mix it with shrimp and cheese, and a pinch of celery. Ow ow... wat a unique & tasty combination!

By: Lia, Dapurgue
750 gr skinned potato, deep fried & coarsely mashed
100 ml fresh cream
1/3 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
2 tsp garlic powder
2 tsp finely sliced celery or parsley
50-75 gr finely grated parmesan/edammer/gouda cheese
150 gr shelled shrimp, coarsely chopped
3 tbs butter
Oil for deepfrying
Egg whites
Heat buter in a pan, saute shrimp until pink, season with salt and sugar.
In a large bowl combine mashed potatoes, sauted shrimp and all other ingredients, mix well & thoroughly. Shape into rolls or balls.
Dip each into egg whites, roll them out onto breadcrumb until evenly breaded, do this coating twice.
Freeze breaded rolls at least for thirty minutes then deep fry until golden brown.
Serve warm with your favourite condiments (tomato sauce, mayonnaise, sweet & sour chilli sauce, etc)

Indonesian Version

By: Lia, Dapurgue
750 gr kentang kupas
100 ml krim kental
1/3 sdt garam /secukupnya
1 sdt gula pasir /secukupnya
1 sdt merica bubuk /secukupnya
1/2 sdt pala bubuk /secukupnya
2 sdt bawang putih bubuk
50-75 gr keju parmesan/edam/gouda parut halus (boleh ganti cheddar)
2 sdt irisan seledri (optional)
150 gr udang kupas, cincang kasar
3 sdm mentega
Putih telur secukupnya
Breadcrumb secukupnya
Goreng kentang hingga matang, panas2 lumatkan jangan terlalu halus (kalo ada pake piso pastry aja)
Panasin mentega, tumis udang hingga berubah warna, bumbui garam dan gula pasir.
Masukkan udang tumis, merica, pala, bawang putih bubuk, krim, keju, seledri ke dalam kentang, aduk rata sampai menyatu.
Bentuk bulat atau lonjong, celup putih telur dan gulingkan pada breadcrumb, ulangi sekali lagi.
Simpan di friser sekitar 30 menit, deepfry dengan api medium hingga luarnya kering golden brown.
Sajikan dengan pelengkap sesuai selera (mayones, saus tomat, sambal botol, sambal bangkok dll)

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