Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Stir-fried in Oyster Sauce

I was quite busy for recent weeks due to my officeworks. I bought lots of stuffs early last month: potatoes, tofu, tempeh, meats & chicken, bunches of fresh veggies, herbs & roots, dried salted fish, boxes of fresh milk, etc. I thought I could use them up by end of the month as usual, but... my officeworks forced me to forget them! I was awfully busy, engaged in tight schedules & deadlines to year end projects. I then gave some to Mom and asked her to cook them for me :D (sshhh... I know, I know wat you gonna say to me :)) ).
You know how much I love cooking. Away from kitchen really makes me feel like I'm prisoned in hungry for hundred years, hahahaha... Yesterday I started my kitchenworks again, thinking of something to cook quickly, only to satisfy my craving of cooking.
Stir-frying is always my best choice in uncompromised time. It's quick, easy & delicious. Oyster sauce is my magic element. It enhanced the flavour and taste of anything you throw in frying pan, believe me!

By: Lia, Dapurgue
1 bunch fresh water spinach (about 200 grams), clean & cut
200 gr tempeh, diced & fried
4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
5 shallots (or 1 onion), thinly sliced
5 green chilli (or 1 green bell pepper), sliced
a half of medium tomato, chopped
1 bayleaf
2 tbs oyster sauce
2 tsp light soy sauce
1 tsp sugar
2 tbs vegetable oil
Heat oil in frying pan, stir in garlic and shallots until fragrant and golden yellow in color.
Add chilli, tomato slices, bayleaf and tempeh, mix well. Season with oyster sauce, soy sauce and sugar, stir for a half minute over medium heat.
Stir in water spinach, turn the heat on medium high, stir for 2-3 minutes.
Transfer to serving plate, served with warm rice.

Indonesian Version:
By: Lia, Dapurgue
1 ikat kangkung, bersihkan & potong2
200 gr tempe, iris dadu, goreng setengah kering
4 siung bawang putih, iris tipis
5 butir bawang merah, iris tipis
5 buah cabe ijo, iris serong tipis
½ buah tomat ukuran sedang, cincang kasar
Cabe rawit secukupnya, iris tipis
1 lembar daun salam
2 sdm saus tiram
2 sdt kecap asin /secukupnya
1 sdt gula pasir
Minyak sayur secukupnya
Panasin minyak sayur, tumis bawang putih & bawang merah sampe kekuningan.
Masukin cabe ijo, cabe rawit, daun salam & tempe, tambahkan saus tiram, kecap asin dan gula pasir. Aduk cepat sesaat.
Besarkan api, masukin kangkung. Aduk setengah menit, tutup rapat 1 menit, buka & balikkan tumisan, tutup lagi 1 menit.
Buka, aduk rata & matikan api. Transfer ke piring saji.

By: Lia, Dapurgue
200 gr dried-salted fish fillet, wrap in some papertowels, soak in cold water for 2-3 hours (it's my way to reduce its saltiness)
4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
8 shallots (or 1.5 onion), thinly sliced
5 green chilli (or 1 green bell pepper), sliced
Some jalapenos to your hot-taste, sliced >> optional
1 medium tomato, chopped
2 tbs oyster sauce
2 tsp light soy sauce
1 tsp sugar
2 tbs vegetable oil
Drain soaked salted fish fillet, rinse well, shredded or cut into medium chunks. Fry until half-cooked, set aside.
Heat oil in frying pan, stir in garlic and shallots until fragrant and golden yellow in color.
Add chilli, jalapenos and tomato slices, mix well. Season with oyster sauce, soy sauce and sugar, stir for a while over medium heat.
Add fried shredded fish, continue to stir for 1-2 minutes, transfer to serving plate.
Serve with warm rice.

Indonesian Version:
By: Lia, Dapurgue
200 gr ikan asin kakap (jenis laen boleh, pokoke dagingnya tebel), potong2
4 siung bawang putih, iris tipis
8 butir bawang merah, iris tipis
100 gr cabe ijo, iris serong tipis
Cabe rawit secukupnya, iris tipis
50 gr tomat ijo, cincang kasar
2 sdm saus tiram
2 sdt kecap asin /secukupnya
1 sdt gula pasir
Minyak sayur secukupnya
Potongan ikan asin dibungkus dengan kertas (bungkus rada tebal), taruh di baskom & tuangi air dingin sampe terendam. Rendam 2-3 jam untuk ngurangin kadar asinnya.
Buka bungkusnya, buang air rendaman & bilas. Goreng sampai tingkat kekeringan sesue slera (gue suka gak terlalu kering).
Panasin minyak sayur, tumis bawang putih & bawang merah sampe kekuningan.
Masukin cabe ijo, cabe rawit & tomat, tambahkan saus tiram, kecap asin dan gula pasir. Aduk cepat sesaat.
Masukin ikan asin goreng. Aduk 1-2 menit, matikan api.
Sajikan dengan nasi hangat.