Friday, June 29, 2007

Bakso, Indonesian Meatballs Soup

We Indonesian called this Bakso. It's a simple delicious side dish adopted from chinese dim sum, there's only meatballs within a clear stock, with a sprinkle of finely chopped spring onion -or sometimes celery- and crispy fried onion. It usually served with noodles, and will be more delightful with some "accessories" to enrich its appealing as steamed tofu, chopped vegetables, fried and steamed wontons.

By: Lia, Dapurgue
250 gr beef chuck, coarsely chopped
35 gr tapioca starch
75 gr ice cubes
2 egg whites
¾ tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
2 cloves garlic, crushed
2 tbs crispy fried onion
750 ml water
750 ml beef stock
1 tsp salt
½ tsp pepper
3 cloves garlic, crushed
Finely chopped spring onion
Crispy fried onion
Egg noodle or ramen (follow the instructions on the box)
Boiled chopped vegetables (pokchoy, chinese spinach etc), or
Shredded raw vegetables (carrot, lettuce, cabbage)
Hot chilli sauce
Mix all ingredients EXCEPT water. Process in food processor until well blended.
Let stand for an hour in feezer.
Heat water and bring to a full boil, turn off the heat.
Using two spoons, scope out the meat batter into balls and drop directly onto the hot water. Do this until all balls are done and popped out to the surface.
Turn on the heat and let it come to a full boil again. Remove from heat and drain the meatballs, set aside.
Now let's make the soup, start by bringing the beefstock to boil, add salt, pepper and garlic. Reduce the heat to simmer, cook for 15 minutes, remove from heat.
Place the meatballs, noodle, vegetables and clear soup in a bowl, sprinkle with spring onion and crispy fried onion. Serve warm with chilli sauce if you like it hot.

Indonesian Version

By: Lia, Dapurgue
250 gr daging sapi bagian paha, iris kasar
35 gr tepung kanji
75 gr es batu, geprak
2 butir putih telur
¾ sdt baking powder
1 sdt garam
2 siung bawang putih
2 sdm bawang merah goreng
750 ml air

750 ml kaldu sapi + 1 sdt garam
½ sdt merica bubuk
3 siung bawang putih geprak

Mi telur, seduh hingga lunak, tiriskan
Sawi/pokchoy rebus
Daun bawang iris tipis
Bawang goreng

Aduk semua bahan (kecuali air) asal bercampur.
Giling semua jadi satu menggunakan chopper/food processor/blender/gilingan daging manual.
Istirahatkan 1 jam di kulkas/friser.
Didihkan air, matikan api. Sendokkan adonan bakso menjadi bola-bola ukuran sesuai selera, langsung masuk ke air panas tersebut.
Kerjakan hingga seluruh adonan habis dan bakso mengapung. Nyalakan api dan didihkan kembali, tiriskan bakso.
Buat kuahnya: didihkan kaldu, masukin bumbu dan kecilkan api, masak dalam kondisi tertutup selama 15 menit, angkat.
Sajikan bakso, kuah dan pelengkap dalam satu mangkuk dengan sambal terpisah.

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