Monday, January 1, 2007

Candies: Nuts Chocolate Candy

I love chocolates. Well, who dont anyway :)
I made this candy for my mom who loves chocolates much, as much as we all do.
I wont explain anything about chocolates. Everyone know it, even kids do.
I wont give ideas of what you can mix within chocolates. You know you can throw anything into it, even kids know better :)
I only wanna tell you, that I've just used up my pistachio nuts and milk chocolates for my mom, cos she wanted me to.

Nuts Chocolate Candy
400 gr milk cooking chocolate, chopped
200 gr shelled roasted nuts, coarsely chopped (I used pistachio)
22 x 22 cm cookie pan, lined with plastic film or baking paper
Heat water in a small saucepan, turn off the heat just before it reaches boiling temperature.
Place chocolate in a bowl, sit it over the saucepan (the bowl must be larger than saucepan).
Let chocolate melt slowly until half of it, remove from the saucepan.
Stirring occasionaly, let the remaining chunks of chocolate melt completely by the heat of the surrounding warm chocolate.
Stir in chopped nuts, mix well.
Spread over prepared pan and refrigerate until firm.
Store at room temperature. Cut into squares, store in cool place.

Indonesian Version
Permen Coklat Kacang

400 gr milk cooking chocolate, cincang
200 gr kacang2an kupas sangrai, cincang kasar (gue pake pistachio)
Loyang tipis ukuran 22 x 22 cm pan, lapisi plastik ato kertas roti
Panaskan panci kecil berisi air hingga hampir mendidih, matikan api.
Tempatkan coklat cincang dalam mangkuk yang berukuran lebih besar dari mulut panci, dudukkan diatas panci berisi air panas tersebut.
Diamkan hingga coklat meleleh setengahnya, pindahkan mangkuk ke meja.
Aduk2 coklat sebentar, diamkan kembali hingga seluruh coklat meleleh sempurna.
Masukin kacang cincang, aduk rata.
Tuang ke loyang yang udah disiapin, ratakan permukaannya. Diamkan di kulkas hingga beku, keluarkan dan diamkan hingga mencapai suhu ruang kembali.
Potong2 sesuai selera, masukin toples dan simpan di tempat sejuk.

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